
Soujuurou Shizuki (静希草十郎, Shizuki Sōjūrō?, localized as Soujyuro Sizuki) is a student attending Private Misaki High School in Misaki Town, living with Aoko Aozaki and Alice Kuonji at the Kuonji Residence. He is one of the protagonists of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru.



Soujuurou Shizuki is a young man from a rural location, having lived deep in the mountains without even electricity. He once has been attacked by wild dogs during the time he lived in the mountains. There are traces of scars from bite wounds on the left arm.

He moves into Misaki Town and attends Private Misaki High School, Class C.


Shizuki is a teenager of average height, with grey eyes and dark messy hair. Despite his scrawny appearance and demeanor, he is in fact quite athletic. He has bite scars around his left arm and his neck, which he always covers with bandages. Aoko later provides a special collar for him to wear, which can strangle him at will when he disobeys her.

He is often seen wearing his high school uniform, sometimes with a coat over it, or a blue tracksuit. While going out, he wears a warm dark jacket, black T-shirt, dark grey trousers and black boots.


Soujuurou is a person of few words, but possesses a warm personality in contrast to Aoko and Alice. He is the kind of person that most people can grow accustomed to. He is a stable and composed guy who tends to keep quiet, even if he really believes in something. While not a special person, he is not entirely "ordinary" either. He is considered to be absolutely harmless by other characters, and Yuika Suse, who can "see" evil intentions in people, cannot feel his presence at all. However he can display a cold and even violent nature in rare cases, especially when his or someone else's life is in danger, embodying "A good man on the surface, but in reality...", though Aoko points out that anger does not suit him at all.

He doesn't possess a "self" when he first arrives in the city, and he cannot even qualify as a human. Later, it is revealed that unconsciously envies Aoko, since she possesses a very strong, unwavering personality. Normal humans will have subjective thought mixed into whatever they see, and they will choose what to see and what not to see. In his case, he will not know how to judge the value of something or the basis of whether it is good or evil until he fully understands it. He is forced to slowly adjust to human society as time passes. Alice wishes for his core way of thinking to never change, while Aoko thinks that the way he keeps changing is dangerous.[2] In a way, it is as if he is in a time slip state. He is impressed by the city at first, but slowly adjusts to ordinary high school life.

His attitude to Magecraft is quite special. He does not feel the difference between magecraft and regular technology at first sight. To his eyes, casting a spell and making a phone call are a similar thing at first. That is why he accepts the fact that Aoko and Alice are mages so relatively easily.


Mahou Tsukai no Yoru[]

Soujuurou winds up living at the Kuonji mansion as well, despite Alice's attempts to drive him away by ignoring him, and Alice develops uncertain feelings toward him.



Soujuurou defeating Lugh Beowulf.

Soujuurou is the strongest TYPE-MOON protagonist when he first arrives from the mountains, but he gradually becomes weaker as he gets used to civilization and settles down as an "individual."[3] He received combat training when he lived in the mountains.[4]

His physical ability is high, but he could not swim because he has no experience.


Soujuurou Shizuki early illustation

Soujuurou early illustration by Takeuchi

In the unpublished version of the novel, Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi portrayed Soujuurou as a wild mannered, 180cm tall athletic boy.[1] Souichirou Kuzuki in Fate/stay night has inherited his design.

Hirokazu Koyama claims that in the original script, Soujuurou wasn't such an uncivilized yet masculine character, but he was more like Mikiya Kokutou from Kara no Kyoukai. This is also related to his misunderstanding to Takeuchi's blueprint. As a result, his design was not easily settled. In the final product, Koyama redesigned Soujuurou because he had confidence with the thought "I think my first impression of Soujuro will work," and convinced others to go with his view.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
    [v] Mahou Tsukai no Yoru Privilege - The Magician's Basic Rhythm: Soujuurou Shizuki, p.022-025

    Soujuurou Shizuki

    • Birthday: April 12
    • Height: 172 cm
    • Weight: 61 kg
    • Likes: (No comment)
    • Dislikes: Unjustified violence
    • Day of Decisive Battle: Perseverance will prevail
    • Hobbies/Special skills: Gardening, Walking

    Nasu's comment: A simple young man that came from the countryside. Even though he's simple he isn't naïve, and even though he looks like a passive man, sometimes he gets fired up like a beast. To tell you the truth he's the hardest character to comment on. In the original novel version he was close to 180cm tall, but in the game version he changed classes to that of a fresh young man. Soujuurou's aloof yet funny mannerisms in the main story were really brought out by Koyama's drawings. A natural master at being both the straight-man and butt of the joke, the human air conditioner of the Kuonji mansion (For both cooling and heating). By the way, even though he's not generally good at household chores and doesn't seem to enjoy doing them, he still cleans up during his free time.

    Koyama's comment: Takeuchi's original design had this wild atmosphere to it, but I persuaded the mushroom to make him look cuter while keeping that atmosphere. The inside of Soujuurou is still the same, but I hope the difference is noticeable. In the Beo battle scene I made many facial expressions that give a glimpse into Soujuurou's original look. He's a plain person who wears the school affiliated coat even in his downtime. I think he makes the logical choice to dress based on function rather than design. For example pants with lots of pockets, or shoes that are easy to run in.


    • 生日: 4月12日
    • 身長: 172cm
    • 体重: 61kg
    • 好きなもの: (ノーコメント)
    • 嫌いなもの: 不当な暴力
    • 決戦の日: 土の上にも三年。
    • 趣味/特技: 庭の手入れ、ウォーキング。

    田舎からやってきた純朴な青少年。しかし純朴といっても純情な訳でもなく、草食系に見えてバリバリの野生児であったりもする。実は一番コメ ントに困る人物。小説版では180センチを近い長身でしたが、ゲーム版ではさわやか系男子にクラスチェンジしました。本編の草十郎が親然とし ながらもひょうきんな言動をするのはこやま絵の味に引きずられてのこと。ボケとツッコミを天然で使いこなす、久遠寺邸の人間空調機(冷房と 暖房)。ちなみに、暇さえあれば掃除をしているが家事全般は苦手かつ好きではないらしい。

    当初の武内デザイン原案ではワイルドな雰囲気でしたが、朴訥とした雰囲気はそのままに容姿だけかわいい系に変更させてもらいました。中身は 基本的に変わってないので、そのギャップが出てくれればと思っています。ベオ戦では本来の草十郎の顔が垣間見えるシーンで専用の表情も多く なっています。飾り気のない男で、学校指定のコートを平時にも着用しています。デザインより機能性、合理性重視の選択をするんだろうなと思 います。チャックが多いとか、走り易い靴とか。

  2. 4Gamer Interview with Mahoutsukai no Yoru Staff - —"From the other side of the mountain gate" Soujuro, an enviable situation"
  3. 4Gamer Interview with Mahoutsukai no Yoru Staff - "For example, when Soujuro first arrived from the mountains in Chapter 1, he was stronger than any other TYPE-MOON protagonist. As he got used to civilization, and settled down as an "individual," he gradually became weaker."
  4. Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Chapter 13: "A Story of the Stars"
Main characters: Aoko AozakiAlice KuonjiSoujuurou Shizuki

Secondary characters: Touko AozakiLugh BeowulfTobimaru TsukijiKojika KumariHousuke KinomiYuika SuseRitsuka SuseEiri FumizukaKazuki YamashiroYurihiko TokitsuMay Riddell Archelot
