
List of the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors

The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors (死徒二十七祖, shito nijuunanaso?) are the aristocratic elite of the vampires. The original group were those of the Dead Apostles who escaped from their role as the "emergency rations" of the True Ancestors, but it currently refers to the distinct factions amongst the Dead Apostles due to some having been succeeded by new generations of Dead Apostles. Some of the originals, more than half, have been sealed away by the Church and some have been annihilated, changing the leadership of the different factions throughout the generations as they have been replaced, while others still reign as Ancestors in the present era. There are some missing numbers yet to be replaced, as they have been executed by the Church, sealed by the Church, or they are atoning for their sins.

The sealed Ancestors are stored in coffins within the Church under eternal imprisonment because they are unable to be totally destroyed. The factions following these Ancestors are still in good condition without their leaders, and they are currently gaining strength to either take back their Ancestor or destroy them.[1] Those who are over four thousand years old from the Age of Gods are referred to as the Elder Title (エルダータイトル?). There are those who favored establishing kingdoms consisting of Territories, Dead Apostles, and the Dead, and there are some exceptional members who possess neither a Territory or a coven. The oldest favor Territories, while those who transformed from the culmination of pursuing magecraft have little interest in such power.

The main reason why the group remains in some form after years of repeated killing and destruction among each other and hunts from the Church is because one Ancestor acts as the prophet. Declaring the Rose Prophecy (薔薇の予言?), she always foresees the death of those Ancestors and warns them so they may prepare successor immediately. Louvre was given the message "--Tonight, Death will appear before thee" around three hours before his death. They are mainly non-agressive against one another, and there are two main factions in the present. They can be considered an organization with power rivaling the Church and Mage's Association.[2]


They are very powerful beings, and many have the ability to utilize Reality Marbles. Their general rankings are not determined exclusively by how powerful he or she is individually, but rather the paramount danger he or she poses to humanity. Those within the first ten ranks cannot be defeated by normal concepts, as they themselves are fantasy much like members of the Phantasmal Species. Those who live in fantasy can only be defeated by fantasy that is greater than themselves. Furthermore, for those who have reached the Ancestor class, it is possible to exist as a phantom even after losing the physical body. Those who have completely lost their original bodies are Nrvnqsr Chaos, Stanrobe Calhin, Night of Wallachia, Gransurg Blackmore, Caubac Alcatraz, and Michael Roa Valdamjong. They are, on average, capable of facing Servants in battle, but, as both are types of beings that live in mystery, such battles would come down to "having the means of killing the other guy somehow."[3]

Servants will generally hold a slight advantage, barring compatibility issues, and the Knight classes, Saber, Archer, and Lancer will all be able to have solid fights. While Saber's Excalibur is extremely effective against those who overwhelm by material quantity and alienness, there are those capable of surviving being hit by Excalibur-class attacks through pure endurance. At the same time, those same ones with extreme endurance would have a tough time with Lancer's Gae Bolg.[4] ORT, to which Earth's rules don't apply, and Primate Murder can be called in a league of their own above both Ancestors and Servants.[5]

The qualifications to be considered part of the group are rather loose, as it includes Dead Apostles created by Crimson Moon himself, magi who became vampires through their own magical powers, and even blood-sucking creatures other than Dead Apostles. While Michael Roa Valdamjong is seen as an Ancestor, being an original one created by the White Princess, he is ranked as "Extra" outside of the regular twenty-seven because they consider him to be a heretic who does not uphold the ideals of regular vampires. Arcueid Brunestud considers them to be a group of twenty-eight, but the rest of the group do not due to Roa seeking eternity outside of the partial immortality granted once becoming a Dead Apostle.

Aylesbury Valesti

One major event for the Ancestors is the Aylesbury Valesti (アルズベリ・バレステイン?) ritual established by Crimson Moon that involves the revival of The Dark Six.[6] It is a grand ritual the Ancestors have been preparing for decades, and it has come together in Aylesbury over the last ten years. It is suggested that the ritual, performed much earlier in the 1970s for unknown reasons, resulted in the world's mana being dried up in Fate/Extra.[7] Due to the development being funded and developed entirely by human means, the Mage's Association and Church are unable to intervene until the advent of the ritual.

The ritual is the earnest desires for all Dead Apostles, and at least six Ancestors will be participating. Those more recent ones from magus backgrounds are not able to attend, limiting it to only the very old Dead Apostles. Only those with "original blood" will be invited, including Ortenrosse, who is running it, Altrouge, Van-Fem, Merem Solomon, and Blackmore. As Ortenrosse is leading it, there are no Ancestors capable of declining. Van-Fem has only provided capital without actually actively working with it. Merem has no interest in the "old fashioned" ritual, only wishing to stop it and kill Altrouge, and before the importance of the ritual, Blackmore wishes to kill her as well. They are both willing to work together on killing her before attempting to kill each other.

List of the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors

The list may change upon the release of the Tsukihime remake because some will have been removed in order to redevelop the concept for later works.[8]

  1. Primate Murder (プライミッツ・マーダー?), also known as the Murderer of Primates (霊長の殺人者?), the White Beast (白い獣?), Altrouge's Demonic Dog (アルトルージュの魔犬?), and the Beast of Gaia (「ガイアの怪物?), is a white dog classified as a Magical Beast born as a Counter Force from Gaia with the sole purpose of killing humans. It has absolute authority over whether to kill a human or let them live.[9] The speed with which it can slay humans is around the same level as Type Mercury, and while Angra Mainyu can match it in numbers, Primate Murder far surpasses it in speed. As one of the most powerful beings on Earth, it is on a level of its own compared to Servants and Ancestors, requiring seven Counter Guardians to keep it restrained.[10] It is currently under Altrouge Brunestud's control, and though it is not related to vampires, it counted among the Ancestors due to it having copied its master and developed a taste for drinking human blood. With this by her side, Altrouge is said to be a monster superior to even Crimson Moon.
  2. The Dark Six is the Original Dead Apostle (最初の死徒?) known as the Six Royalties of the Dark (闇色の六王権?) and the First and Highest System (最古にして最高のシステム, saiko ni shite saikou no system?). It is hasn't reach one hundred percent completion and it is currently regenerating.[11] It is supposed to bring all Dead Apostles together once it awakens in the Aylesbury ritual.
  3. Brunestud of the Crimson Moon (Type-Moon)
  4. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg (Wizard Marshall Zelretch)
  5. ORT (Type-Mercury)
  6. Rizo-Waal Strout (リィゾ=バール・シュトラウト?), also known as Black Knight Strout (黒騎士シュトラウト?), is one of the oldest three Dead Apostles and is one of Altrouge Brunestud's bodyguards. He owes his immortality to a time curse and he wields a demonic sword named True Demon Neardark (真性悪魔ニアダーク?). He is thought to be "invincible" due to his "curse of time". Kagetsu Tohya mentions him being Shiki Tohno's rival in a potential Tsukihime 2.[12]
  7. Forest of Einnashe (Disemboweling Sea of Trees) (Possibly deceased, eliminated by Satsujinki.)
  8. Fina-blood Svelten (フィナ=ブラド・スヴェルテン?), also nicknamed White Knight Svelten (白騎士ブラド?), Bloodsucking count (吸血伯爵?), and Demon of Stratovarius (ストラトバリスの悪魔?), is a bodyguard of Altrouge Brunestud, together with Rizo-Waal Strout and Primate Murder. He is the captain of a ghost ship, and he possesses a Reality Marble of unknown nature called Parade (パレード?).[13] He enjoys obtaining blood from young boys. He is on bad terms with fellow Ancestors, Rita Rozay-en and Van-Fem, the latter due to having one of his castles destroyed by Parade during a previous battle between the two.
  9. Altrouge Brunestud (アルトルージュ・ブリュンスタッド?) is the Princess of the Dead Apostles, also known as the Eclipse Princess of Black Blood (黒血の月蝕姫?) and The Lord of Blood and Contract (血と契約の支配者?), born from a mix between a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle.[14] She was born when Crimson Moon could not produce a suitable pure True Ancestor to act as his vessel, and began to search out alternative means. She is one of his two possible successors along with Arcueid, and she can be called Arcueid's older sister. She still lacks the power to reach Crimson Moon's level, and she is too unstable to use as a vessel. It can be said that with Primate Murder by her side, she is a monster superior to even him in a way. She lacks the normal powers of a True Ancestor, and thus cannot use Marble Phantasm.[15] She has the appearances of a fourteen-year-old girl, but she supposedly has a stronger form. She is the leader of one of the two main factions among the Apostles, who gave Wallachia his powers, and has Rizo-Waal Strout, Fina-blood Svelten, and Primate Murder as guardians and servants. She lost against the first incarnation of Roa, and Merem Solomon believes that mutual destruction would be required to defeat only one of her servants. She also stole Arcueid's hair during a battle, and as a result, Arcueid can't grow it back until she recovers it.
  10. Nrvnqsr Chaos
    Replacement : Louvre (Dead Apostle of the Lake)
  11. Stanrobe Calhin (スタンローブ・カルハイン?), the First Wraith (第一の亡霊(スタンティア)?), is an Ancestor who still exists as a ghost after being destroyed by the Church. He still retains his immense destructive power that allowed him to destroy everyone and everything related to him and earned him the nicknames Lord of Predation (捕食公爵?) and City Devourer (街食うモノ?). He will continue to exist for at least two hundred years before his existence dissipates completely. His "annoying qualities" cannot be matched by anyone, and Aoko Aozaki mentions that he would be attracted to the ritual performed by Dust of Osiris.[16]
  12.  ???
  13. Night of Wallachia (TATARI, Zepia Eltnam Oberon)
    Replacement : Dust of Osiris, Sion TATARI in her Melty Blood paths
  14. Valery Fernand Vandelstam (ヴァレリー・フェルナンド・ヴァンデルシュターム?), better known as Van-Fem (ヴァン-フェム?), is one of the oldest Dead Apostles, and a Puppet Master, a type of sorcerer which specializes in crafting artificial puppets to do their bidding. He is an oddity among Apostles, as he prefers human life to that of a vampire. Known as the Dark Lord of the Business World (財界の魔王?), he set up a building and started to run a casino boat called Fem's Casa (フェムの船宴?) once a week where he challenges other patrons in Monte Carlo after World War I, earning himself a high social status among humans.[17] He has used this capital, solely generated with human means, to help fund the Aylesbury ritual, but he hasn't had any further involvement in it. He has amazing attention to detail, and a talent for creating large things such as seven Demon Castles, giant golems that act as castles that have earned him the name Van Fem of the Demonic Castle (魔城のヴァン=フェム?). The fifth was destroyed by Fina-blood Svelten, which has put him on bad terms with both Svelten and Altrouge Brunestud.[18] While he is taking part in the Aylesbury ritual, he dislikes Trhvmn Ortenrosse for being too old-fashioned.
  15. Rita Rozay-en (リタ・ロズィーアン?), known as The Artist (自称、芸術家のお嬢様?), is a typical high-class vampire with a liking for artistry. She is the successor of her parent vampire, having inherited their castle, where she takes a nightly blood bath. She is known for her arrogance, and for doing whatever she pleases. Possibly due to a crooked personality, she is never satisfied with her actions. She holds an odd friendship with Sumire; they have sworn to die by each other's hands.[19]
  16. Gransurg Blackmore (Lord of the Black Wing)
  17. Trhvmn Ortenrosse (トラフィムオーテンロッゼ?), also known as The White Wing Lord (白翼公?), is a four thousand year old Ancestor, who was the first servant of Crimson Moon and eldest Dead Apostle. He was a magus during the Age of Gods, who made himself into a vampire through his own magecraft. Known as the "King" of the Apostles, he represents the Ancestors, but acts as their voice in name only. He holds the greatest political voice, having proposed the True Ancestor hunt, revering only Crimson Moon as the absolute True Apostle, organizing the Aylesbury Ritual, and ordering Nrvnqsr to kill Arcueid.[20] He is a "Classic Vampire" said to possess no unique capabilities, preferring to excel at simply being a vampire as opposed to developing extraneous abilities. He applies the saying "simple is best", and from there, he obtained his current rank amongst the Ancestors. He has the largest territory out of all of the Ancestors, and he is the most acquainted with modern technology.[21] Merem Solomon finds his philosophy to be idiotic and notes that he doesn't understand the true nature of the Dark Six, but still acknowledges his influence among the Apostles and the possibility that he could complete the ritual.
  18. Enhance
  19.  ???
  20. Merem Solomon (Crown)
  21. Sumire (スミレ?), also known as the Water Bottle (ウォーター・ボトル?) and Sumire the Water Demon (水魔スミレ?), is a vampire who lives underwater. She has conquered the traditional vampire weakness of being unable to cross bodies of water, though it has also made her weaker on land. She is very strong, being the only Dead Apostle able to use Marble Phantasm and to teleport,  though she is considered to be inept due to excessive drinking. She looks like a big sister who easily gets drunk and although she has a castle, nothing is in there. She is a natural pessimist, but she is capable of enjoying most any activity. She is on good terms with Rita Rozay-en, and they share a pact to kill each other. In a possible Tsukihime 2, she would have the role of a drunkard that gets in Shiki's way.[22]
  22.  ???
  23.  ???
  24. El Nahat (エル・ナハト?), also known as Refraction (屈折?) is a vampire that is currently sealed by the Church. He is a strange Dead Apostle like Stanrobe Calhin, Gransurg Blackmore, and the Night of Wallachia. His stomach has been turned into a Holy Scripture, Alien Stomach World (胃界教典?), which operates as a summoning terminal for his main body and it is considered to be a final weapon against the Dead Apostles. It is entrusted to the First and Second of the Burial Agency, and said to make them invincible when either of them has it. El Nahat is said to have an ability that destroys his enemy along with his own body. His body is currently destroyed and the only thing left is the summoning terminal. He takes several decades to recover, which is why the Church was able to seal him into a prison of mirrors, by exploiting this weakness.[23]
  25.  ???
  26.  ???
  27. Caubac Alcatraz
Extra: Michael Roa Valdamjong (The Serpent of Akasha)


  1. [v] Character material - Prelude I: The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term], p.020

    The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term]
    The twenty seven ancestors, the greatest beings among the Dead Apostles. More than half of them had been sealed by the Church.
    Among the most ancient Dead Apostles, some of the Ancestors had been slain. The reason that the Twenty Seven seats still existed was that the subordinates of the slain Ancestors inherited their seats.
    The sealed Ancestors were locked within sarcophagi by the Holy Church. Since they could not be completely destroyed, they were essentially permanently imprisoned. The covens of the sealed Ancestors still existed today. They were working hard either attempting to save the Ancestors or destroy them.

    死徒二十七祖 [用語]

  2. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - talk. Glossary: The Twenty Seven Ancestors [Term], p.195

    The Twenty Seven Ancestors [Term]
    The oldest 27 Dead Apostles.
    However, some had already been succeed by the next generation of Dead Apostles. Nowadays it mostly referred to the distinct factions that existed among the Dead Apostles.
    The Ancestors established their kingdoms consisted of Territories, Dead Apostles, and the Dead. However, some exceptional Ancestors had neither a Territory nor coven.
    The Vampires who were subordinates of True Ancestors favoured Territories, but those Ancestors who became Vampires as a culmination of pursuing magecraft had very little interest in such power.
    The Ancestors were non-aggressive against one another. At the present, there were two main factions.
    In some sense, they were an organization with power that rivaled the Church and Association.


  3. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term], p.055

    The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term]
    The 27 oldest Dead Apostles.
    There are the Ancestors of the Elder Title, whose age exceeds 4000 years, Ancestors sealed by the Holy Church, Ancestors secretly biding their time in the unexplored regions of the world, and even Ancestors akin to a family that passes on the throne to a successor every 500 years.
    They each have their own factions, and are engaged in vicious power struggles within them. Perhaps for them, this is one of the few things that gives meaning to their existence now that their sense for amusement has completely worn away.
    On rare occasions an Ancestor will die, but since there is always a successor to replace them, the number of Ancestors never changes. In fact, it could be said that becoming an Ancestor is the ultimate goal of all Dead Apostles. Even those Dead Apostles at the very bottom, who were changed into vampires by lowly Dead Apostles with no standing or reputation, dream of one day being able to gather enough power to become one of the 27 themselves.
    On the other hand, there also exist Ancestors who have no interest in such things at all. They are seekers, who eschew building a kingdom of their very own in favor of chasing after perfect immortality. There are many of these "Ancestors without a faction" among the Dead Apostles that used to be magi.
    Below is a brief introduction.

    1/ Primate Murder
    Details unknown. Murderer of primates. The White Beast. Altrouge's demonic dog (the Beast of Gaia).

    2/ The Dark Six
    The very first Dead Apostles. The six royals of darkness.
    Currently resuscitating.
    It is said that their revival will unite the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, but not a single Dead Apostle knows their true colors.

    3/ Crimson Moon Brunestud
    Ultimate One. Currently vacant.

    4/ Wizard Marshal Zelretch
    One of the five existing magicians. Also called Zelretch of the Jewel.

    5/ ORT
    Details unknown. Seems to be a mutant species that crash landed in South America sometime before the Common Era. As an attack-type organism, its power is on a completely different level.

    6/ Rizo-Vaal Strout
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Black Knight Strout. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. The True Devil Neardark.

    7/ Disemboweling Forest Einnashe
    The Sentient Woods. A mobile, predatory forest.

    8/ Fina-Vlad Svelten
    White Knight Vlad. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. The Vampiric Count. Devil of Stratovaris.

    9/ Altrouge Brunestud
    Hybrid of a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle. Vampire princess of the Dead Apostles. "Black". Master of blood and contracts.

    10/ Nrvnqsr Chaos
    A living mass of chaos. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a bloodsucker.

    11/ Stanrobe Calhin
    The Duke of Predation. Wraith. Also known as the "City Devourer". …The First Wraith (Stantia).

    13/ ?????
    Tatari. A Dead Apostle purported to exist. Only the name "Night of Wallachia" remains as a legend handed down through the ages.

    14/ Van Fem
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Dark Lord of the Business World. Puppet Master. He created seven great golem castles.

    15/ Rita Rozay-en
    A self-proclaimed artist. Indulges in a distinctive hobby even among the Dead Apostles. A second-generation Dead Apostle that inherited her castle from the Dead Apostle that made her.

    16/ Gransurg Blackmore
    Peng. The Black Wing Lord. A Dead Apostle known as the Moon Eater. Uses the reality marble Nevermore.

    17/ Trhvmn Ortenrosse
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. The White Wing Lord. A magus who became a bloodsucker. The quintessential vampire. King of the Dead Apostles. As the official representative of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors he has the greatest influence – formally, at least.

    20/ Merem Solomon
    The Great Four Demon Beasts. Despite being a Dead Apostle, he is the fifth member of the Burial Agency. Goes by the alias of Crown. For Ciel, he is something like a pesky senpai.

    21/ Sumire
    Aquatic Demon Sumire. Water Bottle. An oddball Dead Apostle that lives underwater. A reformed vampire that has overcome the weakness to running water.

    24/ El Nahat
    Background unknown. The artifact called the Book of the Stomach World. Regarded as the Burial Agency's ultimate anti-Dead Apostle trump card.

    27/ Caubac Alcatraz
    Dead Apostle of the Millennium Lock. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a Dead Apostle.

    EX/ Michael Roa Valdamjong
    The Serpent of Akasha. The Infinite Reincarnator.
    Though the Church counts him among the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, the Ancestors themselves despise him as one who overstepped his bounds.



    2/the dark six




















  4. [v] Comptiq 2006-11 issue - Fate Dojo Q & A
    Q: Who'd win if the Servants and the 27 Ancestors fought each other?

    Q: Who'd win if the Servants and the 27 Ancestors fought each other? Also, who'd win in a fight between Bazett, a renowned powerhouse of the Association, and Ciel, top class in even the Association?

    A: Depends on compatibility, but basically Servants will have the slightly higher advantage. With Saber, Lancer, and Archer classes, we ought to be able to relax and see decent fights. In particular, Saber has THAT sort of Noble Phantasms so against guys like the 27 Ancestors that overwhelm by material quantity and alienness, she'd be REALLY tough.
    ....Well, there are also some of those tough Ancestors that can withstand a direct hit from Excalibur-class attacks, but against those guys that just (emphasis on just; other stats don't match up) have wickedly high HP, Lancer-aniki'd be pretty tough.
    Oh, and regarding Bazett-san and Lady Ciel, Ciel'd still win at the point Bazett was in Hollow. Once Bazett awakens and masters Fragarach, it'll turn into a good match.

    Q:サーヴァントと27祖が戦ったらどちらが勝つんでしょうか? また、協会屈指の実力者・バゼットと、教会でも最高クラスの シエルが戦ったらどっちが勝つんですか?(新潟県/神田聖一)

    あとバゼットさんとシエル嬢ですが、ホロウの段階ではシエルの勝ちは動きません。バゼットさんが開眼してフラガラックを使いこなせるように なるといい勝負になります。

  5. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

    Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors?

    Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors? Servant's also have superhuman battle ability, but the 27 Ancestors are also superhuman monsters.... I got the impression that ORT, Primate Murder, Altrouge Brunestud, and so on were obviously stronger than Servants.

    A: All I can is they're both powerful.... They're both beings that live in mystery, so the only thing that can be said is that it all depends on the situation the moment it comes done to ""having the means of killing the other guy somehow". Among those, Earth rules won't even apply to ORT in the first place and Primate Murder has the super advantage against primates so they're in a league of their own, I suppose. Speaking of which, for one Primate Murder, seven Guardians would be the appropriate amount.


    A:どっちもどっち、としか・・・・・・。どちらも神秘に生きるものたちなので、"なんとかして殺す手段がある"時点で状況次第としか言えません。そんななか、 ORTはそもそも地球上でのルールが成立しないし、プライミッツマーダーは霊長に対して超有利なので別格でしょうか。ちなみに、プライミッツマーダー1匹に対して守護者七騎であたるのが妥当なところです。

  6. Character material - Prelude III, p.066-069
    "By participating in this ritual that his master established, he is finally able to kill the Ancestor without holding back."
  7. [v] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:

    Q: What is the reason of the Mana depletion in the world of Extra?

    Q: What is the reason of the Mana depletion in the world of Extra?

    A: Gonna leak you some info. It is the "what if scenario" caused by a "certain ritual" that occurred in the 1970's. This ritual is not expected to happen until the year 20XX.



  8. [v] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:
    Q: I would really like to see a visual of all 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, with the ones yet to show up.

    Q: I would really like to see a visual of all 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, with the ones yet to show up.

    A:: I want to see that too!
    However, rumour has it that it is only about half done. Due to the remake, it seems some of them actually have been fired due to restructuring. ....Life is tough in the world of vampires...


    でも、風の噂によると半分ぐらいできてるらしいよ。 リメイクの影響でリストラされたヤツもいるらしいよ。 ……まったく、吸血鬼界も世知辛いぜ……

  9. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 1/Primate Murder

    Invincible killer. White beast. Gaia's monster that follows only Altrouge.
    Although not a Dead Apostle, he mimics Altrouge, so he got a taste for human blood.
    Has absolute authority over whether to kill or let live a person.

  10. [v] Comptiq 2005-09 issue - Fate Dojo Q & A
    Q: About the power comparison between Arc and Servants, would the Arc being compared be the 30% one or the full one?

    Q: About the power comparison between Arc and Servants, would the Arc being compared be the 30% one or the full one?

    A: That would be the 30% Arc. It takes 7 Guardians to control the Primate Murder and the Servants of the Grail War are based on these.



  11. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 2/The Dark Six

    The first Dead Apostle. The first system.
    But it hasn't reached hundred percent completion.

  12. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 6/Rizo-Waal Strout

    Black Knight Strout. Possesses the magical sword Neardark. One of the top 3.
    Because of his curse of time, he is thought to be invincible. One of Altrouge's guards.
    ShiKiller's rival in Tsukihime 2 (*laugh*)
    No... there is no Tsukihime 2.

  13. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 8/Fina-Blood Svelten

    White Knight. Demon of Stratovarius. Has a liking for little boys, so he sucks only male blood.
    Sponsors a high-class parade, is the captain of a ghost squad. What the heck is that?
    One of Altrouge's guards.

  14. [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term], p.180-182

    The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors [Term]
    The 27 ancestors who are the original source of the Dead Apostles. Currently, about half of them are being sealed by the Church.
    As the 27 oldest Dead Apostles, there are those among them that have already disappeared. The reason that they are still counted as the "27" Dead Apostle Ancestors despite that fact is because whenever an Ancestor dies, one of his subordinates will inherit the position.
    However, although proper Dead Apostles will create subordinates and work to expand their influence, there are some Ancestors who have no interest in any of that at all. Those Ancestors that used to be magi before they became Dead Apostles tend to be more akin to "seekers" rather than "bloodsuckers". In that sense, both Roa and Nrvnqsr could surely be said to have been brothers.
    Though it isn't really related to the main story of Tsukihime, below is a brief introduction of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. The missing numbers represent those Dead Apostles that have either been executed by the Church, or are currently "atoning".

    1/ Primate Murder
    Details unknown. Murderer of primates. The White Beast. Altrouge's demonic dog (the Beast of Gaia).

    2/ The Dark Six
    The very first Dead Apostles. The six royals of darkness. Currently resuscitating.
    It is said that their revival will unite the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, but not a single Dead Apostle knows their true colors.

    3/ Crimson Moon Brunestud
    Ultimate One. Currently vacant.

    4/ Wizard Marshal Zelretch
    One of the five existing magicians. Also called Zelretch of the Jewel.
    Despite being a Dead Apostle, he cooperates with the True Ancestors. Arcueid thinks of him as a sort of grandfatherly servant. He toppled the Crimson Moon in battle, but had his blood sucked at the last second and became a Dead Apostle. However, even after becoming a vampire his position as a magician stayed intact, and he traveled around the world to various countries where he would take disciples and uniformly ruin them all.

    5/ ORT
    Details unknown. Seems to be a mutant species that crash landed in South America sometime before the Common Era. As an attack-type organism, its power is on a completely different level. It uses the encroaching reality marble, Crystal Valley. Its appearance is similar to a spider's. The former 5th capture it, and was instantly annihilated. Afterward, it was confirmed to possess vampiric traits, and is now treated as an Ancestor itself.
    Type Mercury.

    6/ Rizo-Vaal Strout
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Black Knight Strout. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. On account of Apostle recklessly tried to being inflicted with a curse of time, he is immortal. The True Devil Neardark.

    7/ Disemboweling Forest Einnashe
    A bloodsucker formed from carnivorous plants. It is a forest unified with a single will, and is very similar to a phantasmal species. Once every several centuries, a deep crimson fruit will mature deep within it. This fruit is the congealed mass of all the blood Einnashe took in over the years, and legends state that it has the power to grant immortality to whoever eats it.

    8/ Fina-Vlad Svelten
    White Knight Vlad. One of Altrouge's bodyguards. The Vampiric Count. Devil of Stratovaris. Captain of the Ghost Fleet. He has an interest in handsome youths, and only drinks the blood of other men. He and Rita simply do not get along at all. Possesses the reality marble Parade.

    9/ Altrouge Brunestud
    Hybrid of a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle. Vampire princess of the Dead Apostles. "Black". Master of blood and contracts. Primate Murder's owner. Appears to be a 14 year old girl.

    10/ Nrvnqsr Chaos
    A living mass of chaos. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a bloodsucker.

    11/ Stanrobe Calhin
    The Duke of Predation. Wraith. Also known as the "City Devourer". An invincible character whose density of existence will reach zero in about 200 years.

    13/ ?????
    Tatari. A Dead Apostle purported to exist. Only the name "Night of Wallachia" remains as a legend handed down through the ages.

    14/ Van Fem
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. Dark Lord of the Business World. Puppet Master. He created seven great golem castles, and so is also known as "Van Fem of the Demonic Castles". A man of the world, who holds a prominent position in public society, and even worries about global affairs. The fifth of his castles, Matri, was captured by Parade during an engagement with the White Knight Vlad, and ever since then he has harbored a grudge against Altrouge's faction.

    15/ Rita Rozay-en
    A self-proclaimed artist. Indulges in a distinctive hobby even among the Dead Apostles. A second-generation Dead Apostle that inherited her castle from the Dead Apostle that made her, but since she was the official successor her situation is not the same as Enhance's. The very model of a noble bloodsucker, she indulges in a hell of debauchery and luscious depravity day in and day out.

    16/ Gransurg Blackmore
    Peng. The Black Wing Lord. A Dead Apostle known as the Moon Eater. Uses the reality marble Nevermore. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a bloodsucker. Despite being a Dead Apostle himself, he possesses an ability that is strong against other Dead Apostles.

    17/ Trhvmn Ortenrosse
    One of the longest-serving Dead Apostles. The White Wing Lord. A magus who became a bloodsucker. The quintessential vampire. King of the Dead Apostles. As the official representative of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors he has the greatest influence – formally, at least. In practice, however, Altrouge's influence is even greater, and the two are constantly at odds. Also, Trhvmn was the Dead Apostle who proposed they start hunting True Ancestors. In a sense, he was the reason Nrvnqsr met his end in that far-off Eastern land.

    18/ Enhance
    The Knight of Vengeance, Enhance. A Dead Apostle who killed his master, and only just took over the original 18th Ancestor's position. Consequently, he is known derisively as the "Single-edged Enhance Sword".

    20/ Merem Solomon
    The Great Four Demon Beasts. Despite being a Dead Apostle, he is the fifth member of the Burial Agency.
    Goes by the alias of Crown. For Ciel, he is something like a pesky senpai. A collector of treasures from all times and places. Probably the only reason he joined the Burial Agency is because he wanted to be close to the treasures sealed by the Church.

    21/ Sumire
    Aquatic Demon Sumire. Water Bottle. An oddball Dead Apostle that lives underwater. Traditionally, vampire folklore states that they cannot cross running water.
    Rivers and oceans are like impassable barriers to them. Sumire has conquered this weakness, but in exchange it seems that it has become hard for her to move on land. Also, she's perpetually drunk. While this may make her seem pretty weak, in reality she has a strong enough compositional ability to break into the upper echelons. Among the Dead Apostles, she is the only one capable of using Marble Phantasm. If you put her on dry land and dry her out, her drunkenness will disappear and she'll be able to demonstrate her true power, maybe. Her outward appearance is that of an easy to get along with drunk lady, and she has a castle, but it's a completely abandoned husk. There's a rumor that she and Rita are on such good terms they could just kill each other.

    24/ El Nahat
    Background unknown. The artifact called the Book of the Stomach World. A peculiar vampire embodying refraction. Possesses the unique ability to almost certainly erase an opponent in one-on-one combat, but his own body is destroyed every time he uses it and requires several decades to revive. Thanks to that, he is currently sealed by the Church. Regarded as the Burial Agency's ultimate anti-Dead Apostle trump card, they only bring him out on rare occasions.

    27/ Caubac Alcatraz
    Dead Apostle of the Millennium Lock. A magus whose research ultimately led him to become a Dead Apostle. He was also a believer, just like Merem and Roa. He constructed a labyrinth to protect the culmination of his ideology, the Holy Scripture Triten, from outside invaders. However, he accidentally trapped himself inside, and so has not made an appearance for several hundred years.

    EX/ Michael Roa Valdamjong
    The Serpent of Akasha. The Infinite Reincarnator. Though the Church counts him among the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, the Ancestors themselves despise him as an "extra number".



  15. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 9/Altrouge Brunestud

    Vampire of the Dead Apostles. Mix of True Ancestor and Dead Apostle.
    Can be called Arcueid's big sister. But her look is that of a 14 year old girl.
    Usually, she has no special powers, and can't utilize Marble Phantasm.
    But she can, like a magical girl, transform in two stages or something like that.

  16. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 11/Stanrobe Calhin

    Nickname: 'City Eater.'
    Big eater. Although destroyed by the church, his essence was enough to destroy everything and everyone related to him.
    But his annoying qualities could not be matched by any other.

  17. [v] Character material - Prelude III: Van Fem [Person's name • Dead Apostle], p.068

    Van Fem [Person's name • Dead Apostle]
    Valery Fernand Vandelstam.
    A member of the Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, number fourteen. Demon Lord of Financial Sector. He was a puppet master who materialized seven golems that people referred to as "fortresses".
    Van Fem had an intense interest in human society. He was an eccentric Vampire who attempted to increase his influence through non-Vampire method after the First World War.
    Rumour had it that recently he constructed buildings in the celebrity town Monaco, and every week he would visit casion boats where he challenged other visitors.

    ヴァン=フェム [人名/死徒]

  18. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 14/Van-Fem

    One of the top Dead Apostles. Has amazing attention to detail, and has a talent at creating large things.
    Posseses seven magical castles. But one of them fell to the White Knight Blood and his ghost corps. Now both are eyeing each other.
    Original name Vandehlsteim. A wealthy firm's top. A demon king that resides in light.
    Seeing a rapid rise during the last few hundred years.

  19. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 15/Rita Rozay-en

    Typical high-class vampire.
    Inherited her master's property. Does whatever she pleases. But never satisfied. Perhaps a fault of crooked personality?
    Has a good relationship with Sumire. Thinks that when one dies, the other will probably be the killer. Uh... are they really friends?

  20. [v] Character material - Prelude III: White Wing [Person's name • Dead Apostle], p.067

    White Wing [Person's name • Dead Apostle]
    Trhvmn Ortenrosse.
    The eldest Dead Apostle. A member of the Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors. Number seventeen.
    A Blood Sucker evolved from a magus. He was the first follower of Crimson Moon.
    The classic Vampire, currently ruling as the Lord of Dead Apostles. He supposedly represented the Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, but acted as their voice in name only.
    White Wing was the Dead Apostle formulated the game of True Ancestor Hunting, and the cause of Nero Chaos' death in the Far East.
    He despised the True Ancestors who reigned, with the only exception being the absolute True Ancestor Brunestud, to whom he demonstrated respect ----

    白翼公 [人名/死徒]

  21. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 17/Trhvmn Ortenrosse

    One of the top Dead Apostles. Doesn't have a special ability - thinks that a vampire doesn't need any, and should just excel at being a vampire.
    A noble who thinks 'Simple is Best.' But considered to be in the 17th place.
    Has the largest property out of all the Dead Apostles. One most acquainted with modern technology.

  22. Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 21/Sumire

    Suma Smire. Lives underwater.
    Only Dead Apostle to be able to teleport in the air.
    Transcends the rules of nature. Perhaps a superhuman.
    A pessimist who does what she feels like, but also one who can enjoy anything.
    In Tsukihime 2, rumored to be just a simple drunkard older sister who needlessly gets in the way of the murderer.

  23. Blog

    (Paraphrased) he's weird like Stanrobe, Tatari, or Blackmore; annoying doppel-kun; body destroyed and all that's left is the summoning terminal; sealed in a room of mirrors and when the First or Second of the Burial Agency take him out they're invincible.

    [87 のレス1] Name:きのこ Date:2001/12/06(Thu) 17:06

         あ、単に入れ忘れてただけなのです。歌月の二十七祖シリーズはですねー、マスターアップ一日 ぐらい前に
        「いや、あれ以上ワケわかんない一発ネタ増やしてもどうかと……あ、二十七祖ならいいよ。短くまとめても面 白そうだし」
         と、急遽入れたものなのです。……はじめは厳選して十人載っけるかー、と思っていたらほぼ全員載っけてし まった……。 さて、ナハト君ですね。奇怪さではスタンローブ、ブラックモア、ワラキアに並ぶ嫌な死徒です 。極端に言ってしまえばすっげえはた迷惑なドッペル君。
         胃界教典の二つ名があり、本体はすぐに死ぬので呼び出す端末だけが生きています。現在、鏡張りの牢獄に封 印中。埋葬機関の一番と二番は、場合によっては彼を持って戦いに赴きます。うわ、それ無敵じゃ ん!

Dead Apostles
Ciel (Remake) • Curry de MarcheJester KartureLord Rozay-enMaiko YamaseNoelOdd BorzakSatsuki YumizukaShiki Tohno (Remake) • SHIKI Tohno (Remake) • Sion Eltnam AtlasiaShirleyTarantellaThird Crusade Dead ApostleZepia Eltnam Atlasia
The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors (Remake)
Primate MurderThe Dark SixBrunestud of the Crimson MoonKischur Zelretch SchweinorgORT (LostbeltXibalba) • Rizo-Waal StroutEinnasheForest of Einnashe (Remake) • Fina-blood SveltenAltrouge BrunestudNrvnqsr Chaos (Remake) • LouvreStanrobe CalhinTATARIDust of OsirisVan-FemRita Rozay-enGransurg Blackmore (Remake) • Trhvmn OrtenrosseEnhanceZaria OffenbaumVlov ArkhangelMerem SolomonSumireChromclay PetastructureEl NahatBe'zeCaubac Alcatraz
Michael Roa Valdamjong (Remake)
True Ancestors
Altrouge BrunestudArcueid Brunestud (Red ArcueidBerserkerRemake (Eco-ArcArchetype: Earth))
Wolfgang Faustus
Akiha Tohno (Remake) • Hinako AkutaBaobhan SithCarmillaChild of EinnasheEuryaleMedusaSion Eltnam SokarisSthenoVlad III (EXTRAApocryphaBerserker)