
Assassin (アサシン, Asashin?, Asashin), designated as True Assassin (真アサシン, Shin Asashin?) in reference materials, is the Assassin-class Servant of Zouken Matou in the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/stay night's Fifth Holy Grail War. He is designated as True Assassin because he is the proper Heroic Spirit meant to be summoned under the Assassin class rather than the aberration in the War, Sasaki Kojiro, summoned as an irregular Assassin by Caster.

He is also a Masterless Servant in the Subcategory Holy Grail War of Fate/Labyrinth.

He is one of the Servants able to be summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru of the Grand Orders conflicts of Fate/Grand Order.



True Assassin's True Name is Hassan-i-Sabbah, given the appellation of Hassan of the Cursed Arm (呪腕のハサン, Noroi-ude no Hasan?), one of the nineteen people to hold the legendary title of "Old Man of the Mountain" leading an assassination organization originating in the Middle East. His real name is Hanam (ハナム?), although it has been lost to him since becoming a Heroic Spirit Candidate. While he was a legendary leader who became the origin of the word Assassin, there were nineteen different people who took up the position of Hassan-i-Sabah over many years. There is a new one born each time someone takes up the position, and True Assassin is one of those nineteen. As with the others, his true name and face before becoming an assassin and a Hassan is still lost.

Hassan-i-Sabah has appeared in many stories, known as the leader of unidentified assassins. All those who became the leader imitated his name and appearance, and there was no other way of succession permitted. The history behind the establishment of the organization is long and complicated, and they followed through on strict and frantic doctrines. While other sections of the religion were willing to use violence in accordance With their teachings, they were the only extreme group that preached of "obedience to absolute power."

Hassan lead from an occupied castle in the mountains, turning it into a base for founding the religious organization. After becoming an organization, they used "assassination" as their political measure. Hassan's methods were extreme, so they used drugs to enhance their mental state and accomplished tasks exceeding human capabilities. The origin of their name, Assassin, comes from a nickname given to the secret killers using the hashish. Their works were precise and unparalleled, and their name was known even in different countries. They never showed themselves as the hid in the mountains, and they killed those who opposed their God. Their way of being became a perfect subject for European poets.

While Hassan's story was dramatized, he still became a legend, and after some time, "Assassin" acquired a new meaning as "secret killer." Their existence was exaggerated as time passed, and they have now established themselves as an illusion that is not inferior to that of legendary heroes in the least. The "assassination agency" that still exists in modern times is part of the cogwheel that Hassan established, and the Old Man of the Mountain continues to exist within the sect no matter how many years pass since its formation.


His appearance is that of an extremely tall, slender, dark man with his right arm bandaged. His right arm is described by Saber as useless flat board, incapable of doing much. His face, revealed by Sakura in the Heaven's Feel scenario, is a skull resembling the mask with its skin and nose shaven off.[5] This inspires Sakura to say that he tries to live for eternity when he already lost his identity.


In contrast with his disturbing appearance, he was very loyal. He accepted the authority of his master and would never betray him. He lacked intelligence after materialization, but that was remedied dramatically after acquiring Lancer's heart. Since then, he was also influenced by Lancer's personality.[5]

Hassan does not trust him at all, remarking that he reeks of betrayal, and strongly requests that Ritsuka sever his contract immediately.[6]


Fate/stay night

The Assassin-class Servant originally summoned for the Fifth Holy Grail War is Assassin. He is an aberration summoned by another Servant, Caster, so he is not one of the Hassan. True Assassin is only summoned during the Heaven's Feel route after Zouken Matou decides to participate within the Holy Grail War.

Heaven's Feel

Zouken Matou disgusted as he witnessed Rider lose to Saber, and enraged at Shinji's incompetence as a Master. He decides to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War by using Assassin's flesh as a catalyst for summoning True Assassin.

True Assassin emerges from the flesh of Assassin and later attacks Lancer.

Fate/tiger colosseum series


True Assassin Ending


Assassin was summoned in the Seventh Labyrinth of Caubac Alcatraz. Assassin wishes to use the Subcategory Holy Grail.

Fate/Grand Order

Fuyuki: The Contaminated City in Flames

The Cursed Arm Hassan is an antagonist in the Singularity of Fuyuki City, Ritsuka Fujimaru and Shielder encountered Benkei and The Cursed Arm Hassan. They fought until they were saved by Cu Chulainn.

Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm

He also appears in the "Camelot" Singularity as an ally of the party. It is revealed that when he was younger, he desired the glory of being one of the Hassan-i-Sabbah. As he was born without power, he left his old life to acquire it - eventually obtaining what would later become his Zabaniya, Delusional Heartbeat.

Along with Ritsuka, he seeks out King Hassan for help, being well aware that it means he has failed as a Hassan, and that it will mean his death. However, King Hassan postpones killing him.

Later, he uses his Cursed Arm as a last-ditch effort to stop the knight Tristan, causing Tristan to be possessed by the evil spirit Shayṭān. When King Hassan finishes off Tristan, he claims that he kept his promise to slay the Hassan of the Cursed Arm, and tells Assassin that he should live his own life from now on. And so Assassin becomes the first Hassan to be freed from the title without dying and sticks around to help rebuild after the destruction caused by the knights of Camelot.

It is also hinted that he had a wife and child before he became a Hassan.

Salomon: The Grand Time Temple

Hassan of the Cursed Arm is amongst the "Camelot" Singularity Servants to aid Chaldea against the Demon Gods Pillar.[7]

Shinjuku Phantom Spirit Incident: The Malignant Quarantined Demonic Realm

Yan Qing briefly disguises himself as The Cursed Arm, to trick the party.


In his interlude Old Man of the Mountain (山の翁?), He aids Ritsuka and Mash in investigating recent child kidnappings in the Rome. When he arrives before the pair, Hassan reports that he has already discovered the kidnappers' hideout. The group go to the kidnappers's hideout where they defeat much of the group, but a remaining kidnapper takes a child as a hostage. However, Hassan uses Zabinya to kill the kidnapper, telling him that he was foolish to turn a child into an assassin when they're not fit for such a life. With his mission accomplished Hassan takes his leave of the group, but Chaldea gets a call latter from Nero revealing that Hassan has continued taking down criminals in Rome ever since.


Assassin is a proper Assassin-class Servant, so he is not suited to direct combat, unlike Kojirou. He cannot match other Servants in direct combat, and he specializes in killing Masters instead of their Servants. His proper role is to lurk in the shadows and strike at the right opportunity. He is quickly beaten back by Lancer, Rider, Saber, and Archer when forced directly into close combat, and readily admits that he has no chance against them under normal circumstances, opting to utilize the Shadow against Saber and Lancer.

He is an anti-hero, and he is not a proper Heroic Spirit due to all of the Hassans being classified as Wraiths. He is inclined towards evil, so he is more resistant to All the World's Evil than regular Heroic Spirits. While he is close in nature to it, he will still have his energy drained should he touch it. He has the Self-Modification skill, allowing him to attach and fuse a totally different body to himself. The rank reflects how far he is from being a proper hero. He is able to last around a day without a Master before he will run out of energy and fade away.

He is unafraid of abilities like Invisible Air's Strike Air despite not having enough magical energy to counter it due to his Protection from Wind. Invoked with the takbir "Allahu Akbar", it is a curse passed down in the Middle East that is used to ward off storms.[8] It is a prayer that invokes Allah in order to ward off the Wind Jinn. It allows him to charge at a wind attack that would instantly shred him apart while screaming in delight, instantly nullifying it. Curses to ward off storms were a necessity for travels in the desert, making it the only magecraft used by him.

He has proper Presence Concealment unlike Kojirou, allowing him to remain perfectly hidden even to the senses of Servants. Erasing his presence, it is suitable for spying because it is nearly impossible to find him. The rank of the ability drops substantially after he begins to attack.



Assassin emerging from Kojirou's body.

Assassin's summoning is unique compared to that of other Servants due to being brought forth after all seven Servants have been summoned. Through an unknown process, Zouken takes the defeated Kojirou and turns his body into the flesh of Assassin. It begins with Kojirou's chest bursting open from Assassin's "deformed, spider-like arm" emerging from it. Still alive, Kojirou begins to feel his internal organs becoming those of someone else before finally expiring. Assassin then fully enters the world in a form much like an insect that devours the rest of Kojirou's body, slowly becoming more like a man and acquiring human wisdom for his empty brain.

He is fully formed after drinking every last bit of blood, but he is still somewhat undeveloped, shown his inability to speak human language. He can originally only make chirping sounds like an insect, but later is able to speak while displaying a strained speech pattern. He needs more experience in order to be fully functional, so he devours Lancer's heart to add to his own intelligence. Afterward, he is able to speak fully and rationally without showing any of the previous insect-like qualities. Saber notes that his voice is strong and clear in contrast to his appearance, and that it is similar to that of Lancer.


Dark Dagger

True Assassin's Dirks

Assassin's employs numerous Dirks (ダーク, Dāku?, incorrectly romanized as Darks), small black daggers meant to be utilized as throwing weapons rather than as melee weapons. Their tips are hooked, making removal from the target a hard task once they have struck. He has over forty of them, and he can run out in battle because they are finite in number. Due to his attachment to them, he carefully picks them up after each battle.[5] He is very accurate, can throw multiple Dirks like bullets without any visible movement, and always aims for vital points. They are not extremely potent weapons, as while they would be fatal if they were to hit, abilities like Protection from Arrows and Saber's ability to read the path of projectiles make them easy to manage and no different from thrown stones.

His precision with the weapons is close to that of Archer, allowing him to throw accurately while constantly moving. He launches them during the small openings between the swings of the opponent's weapon, and they are thrown so that the opponent will not be able to see them if circumstances allow. He utilizes his agility to jump from various positions including walls and ceilings, all while hurling numerous Dirks from each location. This creates an unavoidable rain of daggers from all directions that cannot be blocked or avoided.

"Dirk" was originally the name of a type of thrusting dagger traditionally used in Scotland, imprinted with Celtic designs and patterns, and they were utilized as actual weapons until around the eighteenth century. They were relegated to ceremonial uses after that, but the British Empire adopted it as a weapon in the armed force and navy after incorporating Scotland into their empire. Calling the weapons "Darks" would be incorrect, though such a thing would never happen.[9]

Combat Tactics

Assassin does not fight opponents at close range due to being no match for other Servants, instead using his Dirks at mid-range while constantly moving away from his opponent. He retreats while maintaining a proper distance between them, moving with a beast-like pace rivaling Lancer while he retreats that allows him to slither across the ground without having to slow down around obstacles. He is able to jump extremely well, and his movements are compared to a spider, snake, and scorpion. Lancer notes that after he is injured, he is unimpeded by it. He thinks rather than healing that Assassin has employed drugs to keep the wound from affecting him.

He employs a constant battle strategy used against Heroic Spirits and even regular humans should he fight them. While he throws numerous Dirks in battle, the act is not done in order to kill the opponent. While each strike is indeed intended to be fatal, their real worth is to gauge the opponent's strength. The first Dirk measures their mobility, and the second measures their action principles. He remains seven meters away at all times, keeping a distance at which only projectile weapons are useful and still remain able to measure the opponent's skill. If he is unable to kill them in one blow, he will force them to a place where it is possible.

He drives the opponent into a corner by cutting their limbs and tiring their bodies, all in preparation for his fatal attack, his Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Delusional Heartbeat. Even if they are in preparation, they are still meant to kill, so he notes that Kirei Kotomine's ability to last against them as long as he does is admirable. The daggers are merely to analyze the target's skill, create the perfect opportunity, and then smash their heart with his arm. Once he knows their capabilities and is assured that they are tired and wounded, he measures out a fatal strike to be blocked so that he has time to utilize Zabaniya.

The ritual is a chore for him that brings him no joy, but it can also be a weakness if the ritual is known to the enemy. He sticks to it methodically, so seeing it through Lancer's eyes allows Kirei to form a countermeasure and temporarily defeat Assassin. Zabaniya creates a copy of the opponents heart for Assassin to crush, but it has no effect on Kirei's blackened heart.


Creation and Conception

Kinoko Nasu is the scenario writer for him in Fate/Grand Order.[2] Takashi Takeuchi is the original character designer for Hassan of the Cursed Arm. Task Ohna is the character illustrator for Hassan of the Cursed Arm.[2][3]


  • In the first Popularity polls of Fate/stay night in 2004, Assassin was ranked 24th.
  • In the second Popularity polls of Fate/stay night in 2006, Assassin was ranked 33rd.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16
    [v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: True Assassin, p.032-033 [T]

    Hassan-i Sabbah
    Class: Assassin
    Master: Matou Zouken
    Alignment: Lawfully Evil
    Sex: Male
    Height: 215cm
    Weight: 62kg
    Armament: dirk

    STR: B
    CON: C
    AGI: A
    MGI: C
    LCK: E
    Noble Phantasm: C

    The legend of the "Old Man of the Mountain" appeared even in The Travels of Marco Polo. He was the head of an order of assassins who sought out promising young candidates and recruited them with promises of food, drink, and women, in exchange for assassinating important figures.
    This legend had its origins in the 11th century. It originated with Nizari subbranch of Ismāʿīlism, a branch of Shia Islam. They were known as a radical sect. The progenitor of the Nizari was Hassan-i Sabbāh himself. Hassan, who had deep connections to the fallen Fatimid Caliphate, opposed the great Seljuq dynasty, repeatedly assaulting it with war and assassination. The tales of the "assassin order" in later centuries were based on this historical truth.
    In the world of Fate/stay night, the name Hassan-i Sabbāh was a title among the Nizari people, whose heir would remove his or her nose and skin to become a faceless person. It is believed that the origin of the term "assassin" is either Hassan's name, or the hashish that he used as a brainwashing drug. Hassan's summoning catalyst is the Assassin class itself. For this reason, a properly summoned Assassin will always manifest as Hassan-i Sabbāh.

    Hassan appears only a few times in the story. Normally, he moves stealthily, collecting intelligence per the orders of his Master, Matou Zouken. Hassan only shows himself when it is time to kill an enemy.
    Hassan himself not a strong Servant. He displays his combat strength through surprise attacks, and is ill-suited to frontal assaults. Thus, Hassan waits for opportunities to arise with an invariable/absolute/certain chance of killing the target. There is no need for him to pursue the superhuman Servants. Instead, he waits for the perfect chance to get close to a Master, whom he can easily defeat...

    Class Abilities
    Presence Concealment: A+
    The greatest weapon of the Assassin class is Presence Containment. When this power is activated, it is possible to completely cut off one's presence. When Hassan is so concealed, it is impossible even for a Servant to sense his presence. One would not be able to tell if Hassan was approaching, if he had already left the area, or if he had even been there in the first place... Thus, Hassan is able to gather intelligence with impunity. Security systems of any kind are meaningless before him.
    Also, Hassan-i Sabbāh is a being created from the nineteen people that inherited the name. When Assassin is summoned, one of those nineteen individuals will appear. Naturally, Assassin's abilities and Noble Phantasms change depending on which Hassan is summoned. However, the excellent Presence Containment skill is a class ability, so it is shared by all Assassins. As described above, each Hassan has removed his or her nose and skin to create a faceless appearance, which carries the significance of being "nobody." It is hypothesized that the anonymity of being "nobody," the elimination of the self, also influences Presence Containment's ability to "hide oneself." Incidentally, the nineteen Hassans each have unique personalities, so the reader should take care to remember that they are not emotionless fighting machines.
    Each of the "Hassans" are not quite Heroic Spirits, but rather mere wraiths (Heroic Spirits are heroes that have left their names in history, and assassins have no names). In comparison to the other Servants, Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity. As a matter of fact, even the formidable Cu Chulainn was easily defeated when he faced Hassan.
    Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

    Personal Skills
    Projectile (Daggers): B
    Hassan's main mode of attack is to throw dirks, a type of dagger that originated in Scotland. His daggers have the same destructive power as firearms when thrown, spelling certain death for a human target. Interestingly, Hassan will never fail to recover all of his thrown daggers after battle, perhaps out of a possessive quirk of personality, or an aesthetic desire to only use his favorite weapons.
    Caption: Hassan silently closes in on Kotomine Kirei. Hassan threw his daggers, but Kotomine fended them off.

    Protection from Wind: A
    In the Middle East, there are legends that typhoons are caused by evil wind gods called djinni (alternately "jinn," "jinnaye"). Divine Protection from Wind is a chant that offers prayers to God, that oneself might receive a charm of protection against the calamity of such evil spirits. To call it a "charm" smacks of superstition, but the strength of its warding is tremendous. Hassan used this skill to resist Artoria's powerful "Bounded Field of the Wind King -- Invisible Air."
    Caption: Hassan uses Divine Protection from Wind. A hidden, sacred charm is woven, and his body is imbued with its divine protection.

    Self-Modification: C
    As its title suggests, this is the ability to alter oneself by connecting one's own flesh to another body. One can increase the length of one's legs, for example, resulting in a form far removed from that of a proper Heroic Spirit. Hassan, whose abilities are below that of the other Servants, uses Self-Modification to enhance his physical performance and make up for his deficits. In the story, he seized Cu Chulainn's heart and introduced it to his own body.
    Caption: Hassan, deformed via Self-Modification. His right arm is changing into the arm of the devil Shaytan.

    Noble Phantasms
    Zabaniya:Delusional Heartbeat
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 3~9
    Maximum Targets: 1 Person

    The assassination technique, "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya," that uses Hassan's cursed arm. Hassan connects his arm to the arm of the devil Shaytan (Satan in Christian cosmology). This ability specializes in cursing people to death.
    A mirror image is taken of the target to be killed, and from this mirror an ether clump is used to create an exact double existence. This double existence has a property of resonance with the original, so that if the double existence is harmed, the original will suffer the same damage. This can be considered sympathetic magic, albeit of an extremely high level. With this technique, an imitation heart belonging to the target is crushed, and the target dies without any outward sign of injury as its heart alone is pulverized. All armor is meaningless against Delusional Heartbeat's attack. No matter how mighty the foe, they cannot withstand this Noble Phantasm which directly assaults the inner organs. It is indeed a terrifying Noble Phantasm worthy of an assassin.

    Defending against Zabaniya

    Delusional Heartbeat is a Noble Phantasm of absolute death. However, as with other Noble Phantasms, it is neither invincible nor perfect.
    The ability's effective range is limited, so if one retreats past this distance and uses long-range attacks, Assassin is helpless. Also, Delusional Heartbeat is a curse, so it may be ineffective against Servants with high Magic Resistance, while targets with high Luck may be able to evade it. Additionally, there is the critical fact that the heart organ is not the vital point of a Servant. There also exist exceptional opponents such as Servants that can move without a heart, or individuals that are unaffected by a destroyed heart such as Kotomine Kirei.

    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具


  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Fate/Grand Order material II - Hassan of the Cursed Arm, p.012-017
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 This reference needs to be fixed. Use "FGOSP1" instead of "Grand Order".
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9
    [v] Fate/complete material II: Character Material - Characters: Shin Assassin, p.092-093

    True Assassin
    Zouken Matou's Servant. By using the body of Assassin that caster has summoned, Zouken brought him back as the original Assassin in the current world. His intelligence is initially low prior to his summon, he had difficulties to speak, but his intelligence is enhanced dramatically once he captured the heart of Lancer. He began to have a cordial loyalty to Zouken thereafter.

    Character Data 016
    Affiliation: Zouken Matou's Servant
    True Identity: Hassan-i Sabbah
    Gender: Male
    Height: 215cm
    Weight: 62kg
    Image Color: White (MoonLight)
    Talents: Stealth, patience, pickpocket
    Likes: Dirks (Dagger throw), piety
    Dislike: Other than your himself
    Worst enemy: 18 other Assassin (Hassan)
    Origin: Middle East

    真アサシン - 腹より生まれ出し暗殺教団の祖
    間桐臓硯がサーヴァント。キャスターが召喚したアサシンの肉体を利用して、臓硯が本来のアサシンである彼を現界させた。召喚当初は知性が低く、たどたどしい言葉しか話せなかったが、 ランサーの心臓を取り込んで飛躍的に知性が強化される。以降は臓硯に対する篤い忠義を持つようになった。
    彼の正体はアサシンの語源ともなった暗殺教団の党首ハサン・サッバーハ。 山の老翁とも呼ばれるハサンは、何代も代替わりしながら教団を率いており、彼はそのうちのひとり。戦闘能カは他のサーヴァントに劣るが、隠密活動に優れ、敵マスターの暗殺にカを発揮する。特に"ダーク"という投擲用の短剣を用い、敵に近づかず戦うのが得意。彼の宝具は本物と影響しあう偽の心臓を作り、それを握り潰して敵を呪い殺す腕"妄想心音"。この宝具はどんな強カな物理防御でも防げない。
    召喚に応じた理由は、永劫に 自身の名を残すため。しかし物語中では我欲を見せず、常に客観的な視点から臓硯を見守っている。

    Character Data 016

  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2
    [v] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: True Assassin [Servant], p.062 [T]

    True Assassin [Servant]
    The real Heroic Spirit of assassination.
    He was summoned by Matou Zouken, materialized using the flesh of Sasaki Kojirou.
    Bearing a white skull mask and black cloak, he was the classical assassin.
    An unremarkable Servant in terms of abilities, but highly utilitarian. In contrast with his disturbing appearance, he was very loyal. He accepted the authority of his master and would never betray him.
    Strictly speaking, True Assassin was merely a member of a group of Wraiths (Heroic Spirit candidates) who bore the name "Assassin", thus his abilities were intrinsically low. In order to compensate for this disadvantage, he modified his body. As a result, he was able to rival other Servants.
    There was no face under the mask. The skin and nose were shaven off. He inherited the seat of the Old Man of the Mountain as a "nobody".
    He lacked intelligence after materialization, but that was remedied dramatically after acquiring Lancer's heart. Since then, he was also influenced by Lancer's personality.
    By the way, True Assassin was particularly attached to his Dirks. He would carefully pick all of them up after each battle.

    もとから“アサシン” という名称で群をなす亡霊(英霊候補)なので、能力そのものは低い。それを補う為に自身の肉体を改造し、他のサーヴァントたちに対抗している。

  6. Fate/Grand Order - Cursed Arm Hassan's My Room Lines
  7. Fate/Grand Order - Salomon: The Grand Time Temple - Act 07: VI / Spy Satellite Amon
  8. [v] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: Protection against Wind [Magecraft], p.057 [T]

    Protection against Wind [Magecraft]
    The ability True Assassin used to dive into the Barrier of the Wind King.
    For some reason, it was blotted out in the story.
    Originally it was supposed to be something like "Al**hu A*bar", but was cut due to certain events.

    風除けの加護 【魔術】
    本来なら「○○は○○なり」というものなのだが、 大人の事情でカットされた。

  9. [v] Fate/complete material II: Character material - Weapons: Dirk, p.139

    User: True Assassin
    Daggers carried by True Assassin. Specialized for use as projectiles. Because the tip of the blade is hooked, it is hard to remove them once they’ve hit their target.
    Originally, “Dirk” was the name of a type of thrusting dagger traditionally used in Scotland, which were imprinted with Celtic designs and patterns. They were used as actual weapons until around the 18th century, after which they were relegated to ceremonial uses. Also, once Scotland was incorporated into the British Empire the dirk was adopted as a weapon in the armed forces and navy.
    By the way, if anybody actually called these “Darks” they’d look pretty silly. Thankfully that would never happen.

    真アサシンが使用していた短剣。投擲に特化した作りになっている。刃の先に返しがあり、一度刺さったら抜 けにくくなっている。
    ダークとは本来、スコットランドで伝統的に使用されていた短剣の名称である。ケルト的な文様が施されてい るなどの特徴がある。18世紀くらいまでは実際の武器としても使用されていたが、19世紀以降は礼式用の装 身具として使われるようになった。また、スコットランドが大英帝国に編入された後は、英軍や各国の海軍の武 器として使われている。ちなみに綴りは“Dirk”で、暗いという意味の“Dark”ではない 。

Characters by series
Fate/stay night Main characters: Shirou EmiyaSaberRin TohsakaSakura MatouIllyasviel von EinzbernArcherKirei Kotomine
Secondary characters: AssassinBerserkerCasterGilgameshLancerRiderShinji MatouSouichirou KuzukiTrue AssassinZouken Matou
Minor characters: Atrum GalliastaAyako MitsuzuriBedivereClaudia HortensiaGai GotouIssei RyuudouKaede MakideraKane HimuroLeysrittJusteaze Lizrich von EinzbernOtoko HotaruzukaSellaTaiga FujimuraVivianYukika Saegusa
Fate/hollow ataraxia Main characters: Bazett Fraga McRemitzAvengerCaren Hortensia
Secondary characters: AssassinDiloEdelfelt sistersLuviagelita EdelfeltMinori Mitsuzuri Master of AssassinPerseusReikan RyuudouSaberScáthachSthenoEuryale
Fate/Zero Main characters: Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernSaberKirei KotomineWaver VelvetRiderTokiomi TohsakaArcher
Secondary characters: Aoi TohsakaAssassinBerserkerCasterKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldLancerMaiya HisauRisei KotomineRyuunosuke UryuuSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Minor characters: Byakuya MatouFionn mac CumhaillGlen and Martha MackenzieGrainneJubstacheit von EinzbernNatalia KaminskiNorikata EmiyaShirley
Fate/EXTRA Main characters: Hakuno KishinamiSaberArcherCasterGilgameshRin TohsakaRani VIIISakura MatouBB
Secondary characters: AliceArcherAssassinBerserkerBerserkerCasterCasterDan BlackmoreJinako CarigiriJulius B. HarweyLauncherKiara SessyoinLancerLancerLancerRun RuLeonardo B. HarweyMeltryllisMonji GatouPassionlipRiderSaberSaverShinji MatouTwice H. Pieceman
Minor characters: AmaterasuAoko Aozaki Chishiki MabiIkuyo YuutouIssei RyuudouKirei KotomineShiki RyougiSialim Eltnam Re-AtlasiaTaiga FujimuraTouko Aozaki
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction characters: Caules Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaGordes Musik YggdmillenniaReika RikudouRoche Flyn YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaArcher of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of BlackCaster of BlackLancer of BlackRider of BlackSaber of Black
Red Faction characters: Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenArcher of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of RedCaster of RedLancer of RedRider of RedSaber of Red
Other characters: SiegRuler
Minor characters: AiasAlma PetresiaAlzirBram Nuada-Re Sophia-RiFafnirHectorLord El-Melloi IIReines El-Melloi ArchisorteRocco BelfebanSergeTooleTouki SisigouTrimmauVictor Frankenstein
Fate/Prototype Main characters: Ayaka SajyouSaberMisaya ReiroukanLancerArcherRiderManaka Sajyou

Secondary characters: Archer's MasterAssassinBeast|BerserkerCasterAro IsemiHiroki SajyouSancraid Phahn

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Manaka SajyouSaberElza SaijoArcherNigel SawardLancerShizuri IsemiRiderMisaya's fatherCasterTatsumi KitanoBerserkerSeiji JingaAssassin
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowSaberArcherCasterAssassinGrayLord El-Melloi IIWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake False Masters and Servants: Flat EscardosFalse BerserkerTiné ChelcFalse ArcherWolfFalse LancerTsubaki KuruokaFalse RiderOrlando ReeveFalse CasterJester KartureFalse Assassin
True Masters and Servants: Ayaka SajyouPlayerSaberSigmaWatcherBazdilot CordelionTrue ArcherFrancesca PrelatiTrue CasterHaruri BorzakTrue BerserkerFaldeus DiolandTrue AssassinDoris LusendraTrue Rider
Other characters: FilliaJohn WingardVera LevittClan CalatinHansa CervantesLord El-Melloi IIYuukaku KuruokaCashuraGalvarosso ScladioRohngallSaint GermainMaster of Archer (Fate/strange Fake)
Fate/Grand Order Main characters: Ritsuka FujimaruMash Kyrielight
Observer on Timeless Temple characters: Romani ArchamanLeonardo da VinciOlga Marie AnimusphereFouSherlock HolmesLev Lainur FlaurosBeast IIGoetia
Epic of Remnant characters: BaalPhenexZeparBeast III/RAshiya DoumanRaumRandolph Carter
Cosmos in the Lostbelt characters: Goredolf MusikJingle Abel MeuniereSion Eltnam SokarisCaptain NemoTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaGrigori RasputinKirei KotominePriestess of the Alien GodAlien GodKadoc ZemlupusOphelia PhamrsoloneHinako AkutaScandinavia PeperoncinoKirschtaria WodimeBeryl GutDaybit Sem VoidSenji MuramasaChaldeanDavid Bluebook
Other characters: Marisbury AnimusphereGalahadCharacters in Fate/Grand Order
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi Archisorte

Recurring characters: AddTrimmauHishiri AdashinoFlat EscardosSvin GlascheitLuviagelita EdelfeltHishiri AdashinoMelvin WeinsFakerDoctor Heartless
Secondary characters: FluegerHeine IstariJiroubou Seigen TokitouClownOrlocke CaesarmundRosalind IstariGeryon AshbornTouko AozakiInorai Valualeta AtroholmByron Valualeta IselmaDiadra Valualeta IselmaEstella Valualeta IselmaCarinaReginaMaio Brishisan ClynellesIslo SebunanMick GrazilierAtrum GalliastaCaules ForvedgeYvette L. LehrmanOlga Marie AnimusphereTrisha FellowsKarabo FramptonRodinLeandraJean-Mario SupinerraBersac BlackmoreMagdalenaZepia Eltnam AtlasiaFernando CrozeSister IlumiaCorpse KingMcDonell Trambellio ElrodRufleus Nuada-Re EulyphisAsheara MystrasCalugh Ithred

The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi ArchisorteErgo

Secondary characters: AddRin TohsakaLatio Crudelis HiramTangereWuzhiqiFlat EscardosLuviagelita Edelfelt
Other characters: Shirou EmiyaMikiya KokutouMana Ryougi

Garden of Avalon AgravainArtoriaGalahadGawainGuinevereKayLancelotMerlinMorgan le FayTristanVortigern
Fate/kaleid liner Main characters: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltChloe von EinzbernRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltMagical RubyMagical Sapphire

Secondary characters: Shirou EmiyaSella (Fate/kaleid)Leysritt (Fate/kaleid)Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernCaren HortensiaBazett Fraga McRemitzTanakaBeatrice FlowerchildAngelicaDarius AinsworthErika AinsworthShirou Emiya (Miyu's brother)Julian AinsworthKischur Zelretch SchweinorgLord El-Melloi IIMimi KatsuraTatsuko GakumazawaSuzuka KuriharaNanaki MoriyamaTaiga FujimuraShinji MatouSakura Matou

Fate/Requiem Main characters: Erice UtsumiVoyagerKarinBerserkerKoharu F RiedenflausSaberChitose ManazuruLancerNzambiAnubis
Secondary characters: Caren FujimuraMakkiKuchimeRurihime
Fate/type Redline Main characters: Kanata AkagiTsukumo FujimiyaSaber
Secondary characters: ArcherBerserkerMajor MagatsuKanameMajor ReiterAssassinCasterRider
Fate/Koha-Ace Main characters: Sakura SaberKohakuAkihaDemon ArcherArtoriaRiderOryuuCaren KotomineLancerMajor MatouBerserkerAssassinCasterMajor ReiterFuhrerLancer
Other characters: SaberDevil SaberSun Wukong
Others Association DirectorGazamyGrail-kunKischur Zelretch SchweinorgMagical AmberMagical CarenMoby DickNagato TohsakaNeco-ArcPhantas-MoonRaiga FujimuraSaber LionTyphonList of characters by statistics
Fate/stay night Shirou EmiyaRin TohsakaIllyasviel von EinzbernShinji MatouSouichirou KuzukiCasterKirei KotomineZouken MatouSakura MatouAtrum Galliasta
Ernest Gravehill
Fate/hollow ataraxia Bazett Fraga McRemitzCaren HortensiaEdelfelt sistersMaster of AssassinEinzbern Master
Fate/Zero Kiritsugu EmiyaKirei KotomineTokiomi TohsakaRyuunosuke UryuuWaver VelvetKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Fate/EXTRA Hakuno KishinamiRin TohsakaRani VIIILeonardo B. HarweyRun RuDan BlackmoreShinji MatouAliceJulius B. HarweyMonji GatouTwice H. PiecemanJinako CarigiriKiara SessyoinMeltryllisBBKazuhito SakagamiIzaya KiiLeila RaidouMisao AmariAtrum Galliasta
Fate/Apocrypha Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenGordes Musik YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaRoche Frain YggdmillenniaCaules Forvedge YggdmillenniaReika RikudouSagara HyoumaSieg
Fate/Prototype Ayaka SajyouMisaya ReiroukanManaka SajyouSancraid PhahnAro IsemiElza SaijoNigel SawardMisaya's fatherShizuri IsemiSeiji JingaTatsumi Kitano
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Doctor Heartless
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake PlayerTiné ChelcTsubaki KuruokaOrlando ReeveJester KartureFlat EscardosWolfAyaka SajyouSigmaFaldeus DiolandCashuraFrancescaDoris LusendraHaruriBazdilot Cordelion
Fate/Grand Order Ritsuka FujimaruKirschtaria WodimeOphelia PhamrsoloneKadoc ZemlupusScandinavia PeperoncinoHinako AkutaBeryl GutDaybit Sem Void
Fate/Samurai Remnant Miyamoto IoriZheng ChenggongChiemonYui ShousetsuTsuchimikado YasuhiroDorothea CoyettTakao Dayu
Fate/Requiem Erice UtsumiKarinKoharu F RiedenflausChitose ManazuruMakkiKuchimeRurihimeAhasuerus
Fate/type Redline Kanata AkagiKaname AsamaReiji MagatsuMajor ReiterMaster of CasterMysterious OfficerLanlan Fang
Koha-Ace KohakuArtoriaMajor MatouCaren Kotomine
Fate/kaleid liner Class Card users: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltAngelica AinsworthBeatrice FlowerchildJulian AinsworthRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltShinji MatouKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldAtrum GalliastaZachary Ainsworth
Classes SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
RulerAvengerAlter EgoMoonCancerShielderBeastSaverGunnerGatekeeperFunny VampFakerWatcherPretenderVoyager
Grand ServantNon-classed Servants
Fate/stay night SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/hollow ataraxia AvengerSaberAssassin
Fate/Zero SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/EXTRA Playable Servants: SaberArcherCasterGilgameshSaberCasterSaberRuler
Party Servants: RiderRiderRulerSaberRiderLancerArcherBerserkerCasterBerserker
Non-Playable Servants: SaberLancerLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBerserkerSaverRiderAssassinLancerSaberLancerBerserkerBerserkerArmstrong
Non-Playable CCC Servants: SaberLancerCasterLauncherBB
Alter Ego: PassionlipMeltryllisVioletKingproteaKazuradrop
Others: Saber
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction: Saber of Black (Sieg) • Lancer of BlackArcher of BlackRider of BlackCaster of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of Black
Red Faction: Saber of RedLancer of RedArcher of RedRider of RedCaster of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of Red
Others: RulerRuler
Discarded designs: DavidMusashibou BenkeiGeorgiosSakata Kintoki
Fate/Prototype First Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Second Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBeast
Fate/strange fake False Servants: SaberFalse LancerFalse ArcherFalse RiderFalse CasterFalse AssassinFalse Berserker
True Servants: True ArcherTrue RiderTrue CasterTrue AssassinTrue BerserkerWatcher
Fate/Grand Order Saber: AstolfoAlteraArtoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)Artoria Pendragon LilyBarghestBedivereBenienmaCharlemagneChevalier d'EonDiarmuid Ua DuibhneDioscuriFergus mac RóichGaius Julius CaesarGilles de RaisIbuki-doujiJasonLancelotMedusaMiyamoto MusashiMordredNero ClaudiusNero BridePrince of LanlingRamaRolandSaitou HajimeSenji MuramasaShiki RyougiSiegfriedSigurdSuzuka GozenTheseusTrưng sistersWatanabe-no-TsunaYagyuu MunenoriYamanami Keisuke
Lancer: Artoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)BhimaBradamanteBritomartBrynhildrCaenisCú ChulainnCú Chulainn (Prototype)Diarmuid Ua DuibhneDon QuixoteElizabeth BathoryEnkiduEreshkigalErice UtsumiFionn mac CumhaillGarethHectorHouzouin InshunJaguar ManKarnaLeonidasMary AnningMedusaMelusineMusashibou BenkeiNezhaParvatiPercivalQin LiangyuRomulusRomulus-QuirinusScáthachSétantaSakamoto RyoumaValkyrieVritra
Archer: ArashArjunaBaobhan SithAtalantaBilly the KidCalamity JaneChild-GilChironChloe von EinzbernDavidDurgaEMIYAEMIYA AlterEuryaleFujino AsagamiGilgameshIshtarJames MoriartyKaliNapoleonOda NobukatsuOda NobunagaOrion (Artemis)ParisPtolemyRobin HoodSaika MagoichiSei ShounagonSugitani ZenjuubouSuper OrionTakasugi ShinsakuTawara ToutaTomoe GozenTristanZenobia
Rider: AchillesAlexanderArtoria Pendragon (Santa Alter)AstolfoBartholomew RobertsBonny and ReadBoudicaCaptain NemoChristopher ColumbusConstantine XIDobrynya NikitichEdward TeachEuropaFrancis DrakeHabetrotHuang FeihuIvan the TerribleLeonardo da VinciMandricardoMarie AntoinetteMedbMedusaOzymandiasQuetzalcoatlRed HareGeorgiosMarthaSakamoto RyoumaSakata KintokiTaigong WangTakeda HarunobuUshiwakamaru
Caster: AescAnastasia Nikolaevna RomanovaArtoria AvalonAvicebronCharles BabbageChen GongCirceCú ChulainnDaikokutenGeronimoGilgameshGilles de RaisHans Christian AndersenHelena BlavatskyIllyasviel von EinzbernIrisviel (Dress of Heaven)Izumo-no-OkuniLeonardo da VinciMedeaMedea LilyMephistophelesMerlinMerlin (Prototype)Miss CraneMurasaki ShikibuNitocrisNursery RhymeQueen of ShebaScáthach SkadiScheherazadeSiegSolomonTamamo-no-MaeThomas EdisonWilliam ShakespeareParacelsus von HohenheimWolfgang Amadeus MozartXuanzang SanzangZhang JueZhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Assassin: CarmillaCharles-Henri SansonCharlotte CordayCleopatraConsort YuDr. JekyllEMIYAFuuma KotarouHassan of the Cursed ArmHassan of the Hundred FacesHassan of SerenityHuyan ZhuoJack the RipperJing KeKamaKashin KojiKatō DanzōKiichi HougenKing HassanKoyanskaya of LightLocustaMata HariMochizuki ChiyomeMysterious Heroine XOkada IzouOsakabehimePhantom of the OperaSasaki KojirouSemiramisShiki RyougiShuten-doujiSthenoTezcatlipocaWu ZetianYan Qing
Berserker: AsteriosAtalanta AlterBeowulfCaligulaChachaCú Chulainn AlterDarius IIIDuryodhanaEric BloodaxeFlorence NightingaleFrankenstein's MonsterHeraclesHijikata ToshizoGalateaIbaraki-doujiKijyo KoyoKiyohimeKriemhildLancelotLu BuMinamoto-no-RaikouMorganMysterious Heroine X AlterNagakura ShinpachiPenthesileaPaul BunyanSakata KintokiSalomeSen no RikyuSpartacusTamamo CatVlad IIIXiang Yu
Ruler: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAmourHimikoIyoJames MoriartyJeanne d'ArcJohannaQin Shi HuangSherlock HolmesUesugi Kenshin
Avenger: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAngra MainyuAntonio SalieriBlack IriEdmond DantèsGorgonHessian LoboJeanne AlterMysterious Ranmaru XNitocris AlterSpace IshtarTaira-no-Kagekiyo
Alter Ego: Ashiya DoumanKiara SessyoinKingproteaLarva/TiamatManannán mac LirMecha Eli-chanMecha Eli-chan MkIIMeltryllisOkita Souji AlterPassionlipSitonaiSuper BunyanTaisui XingjunXu Fu
MoonCancer: Archetype: EarthBBGaneshaKiara Sessyoin
Foreigner: Abigail WilliamsBB PeleJacques de MolayKatsushika HokusaiKoyanskaya of DarknessKukulkanMysterious Heroine XXMysterious Idol X AlterVan GoghVoyagerWandjinaYang Guifei
Pretender: Hephaestion MnemosyneLady AvalonNine-Tattoo Dragon ElizaOberonTenochtitlan
Beast: GoetiaTiamatKiara SessyoinKama/MaraCath PalugTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaWhore of BabylonU-Olga Marie
Fate/Requiem VoyagerBerserkerSaberLancerCasterAnubisUnnamed female ServantAssassinAvengerRiderHendrik van der DeckenBarbarossaCirceEdward TeachEl CidJacques de MolayHannibalMarcus Vipsanius AgrippaMinamoto Kurou YoshitsuneElizabeth BathoryMata HariForeignerAsclepiusOdysseus
Fate/type Redline SaberArcherBerserkerAssassinCasterRiderLancerFake Lancer
Fate:Lost Einherjar ArcherBerserker
Fate/Samurai Remnant Initial Servants: SaberArcherLancerRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Stray Servants: Stray SaberStray ArcherStray LancerStray RiderStray CasterStray AssassinStray BerserkerStray Ruler
Others: Ototachibana-hime
Fate/kaleid liner Fifth Holy Grail War Class Cards: Archer (Gilgamesh) • Assassin (AssassinAssassin) • SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterBerserker
Unknown Holy Grail War Class Cards: AssassinBerserkerBerserker
Koha-Ace Sakura SaberMusashiLancerDemon ArcherDevil SaberRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerSun WukongLancer
Others Saber LionFakerOthersServants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World